
Ideas For Future Discussion Nights

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. How might it relate to Jesus?

Was the recent anti-Semitic attack an attack on Jesus? My friend Oliver posted an article from the Washington Post on his Facebook page. He agrees it would be a good discussion for TFC. Please read the Post’s piece. There are also some comments on Oliver’s page that might be relevant. Let’s duscuss Friday, November 9.

Free Offer Of The Gospel

Edit on 5/2/2018: Originally intended for last fall, we will discuss this post on Saturday, May 19, 2018.  WSC Q&A 31: Q. What is effectual calling? A. Effectual calling is the work of God's Spirit, whereby, convincing us of our sin and misery, enlightening our minds in the knowledge of Christ, and renewing our wills, he doth persuade and enable us to embrace Jesus Christ, freely offered to us in the gospel. Canons of Dort 2.5: Moreover, it is the promise of the gospel that whoever believes in Christ crucified shall not perish but have eternal life. This promise, together with the command to repent and believe, ought to be announced and declared without differentiation or discrimination to all nations and people, to whom God in his good pleasure sends the gospel. The free offer of the gospel (abbreviated “free offer”) has meant different things at different times. From a confessional standpoint, it can only mean that God sincerely offers salvation to all...

Total Depravity, Implicitly Denied?

If total depravity is true, the rest of Calvinism is a mere footnote. Let's examine this doctrine more fully by considering whether we read in many summaries of  total depravity  not so much what the doctrine actually means and implies but rather, what it does not mean and does not imply. (See comments box at bottom before reading further. I've included representative samples of a common caveat.) Indeed, many unbelievers lead impeccable lives, even engage in philanthropic work - even work that benefits the kingdom of God! Yet has that ever been a bone of contention or a misunderstanding of the doctrine? Many an unbeliever's external law-works have been a rebuke to me. That said... Beyond what we find in the comments box (giving those thoughts the most lenient interpretation), with Augustine I think we must also maintain that all the “good” unregenerate man does is merely the result of one lust restraining another. Man’s so-called good, not wrought in regeneration,...

Are there atheists on earth?

There are atheists neither in heaven nor hell. But are there any on earth either? An atheist is a person who does not believe in God. By this definition an atheist need not reject God's existence. He merely has to believe not. (An analogy might be helpful. A child who is unaware of a place commonly called China surely doesn't believe China exists. It's not that the child actively rejects China's existence. Rather, he simply doesn't affirm China in his thinking. His unbelief we might say is merely passive . He simply doesn't assent to China. How could he?) Romans 1 couldn't be more clear. All men know God. So much so, all are without excuse and culpable before Him. Since belief is a condition of knowledge (for what can be known that's not also believed?), we may safely conclude that if all men know God, then all men must believe He is. Given our definition of an atheist, on God's authority we can know there are none anywhere. There is no actual ...